Anita Mcleod Owner of Krawlergrips

My name is Anita Mcleod and my Husband Shane Mcleod since halfway through covid lock downs, Krawlergrips was born. Anita and Shane have a passion for 4wdrivg adventuring camping and fishing. So, I shared my love of 4x4 grab handles and more things with my online shop.

My selection is based on trendy colours and designs and also hidden treasures. Always on the lookout for new colours and making new products, I quickly started offering my grab handles and more. Today, I want to offer both popular and sought-after products (grab handles | Jdm Washers | Esky Straps and trendy accessories.

Buying from Krawlergrips is the assurance of receiving quality Products and service. Buying from Krawlergrips is the assurance of receiving quality 4x4 grab handles and more. You'll find stylish accessories to enhance your 4x4 | Car | Caravan and more, to suit your tastes, all in one place. Krawlergrips also offers advice on the choice and care of your products.

We are a family that love anything outdoors and involves a chat and or a drink.
We have 2 off-road Utes and a dog as well and 2 Adult Children.
I started giving my hand braided 4x4 grips / grab handles and products to my family and friends.
Now I create these customizable paracord products for all you legends for your Utes, cars, 4x4, draws, fridges and dogs and horses. I have a huge list of products for you to choose from as well as over 100 colour choices. We add new combos of colours all the time as people have different likes.

I stock a variety of products.

Keyrings we have so many of them they are on our keys the son's keys and the shed keys and fuel keys.  they are so useful, so you don't lose your keys.
Grips /grab handles that are everywhere through our own Utes with the anodize washers.
To fridge straps we use on the fridge when we go camping to keep it tied down.
To dog collars and leads that we use on our own fur baby. We have used these at the beach and the bush and as long as you wash them when home from the beach, they will last a long time.  
Me being so short I use the canopy pull strap to pull myself up into the car. Which is good for kids as well.
Now we all have Aubra hats with our hat bands and the whippy hat bands, cattle and sheep tags as well. 
The shirts yes, we wear them to, and they are comfortable as. they come in Sand, Black and White. 
The bracelets are cool to as you can mix and match colours and be different to everyone else. And yes, the kids and us where them to.
My stickers are all over our 4wdrives. As we have given a few hundred away. We thank you all kindly for the support.
Stubby coolers wow we have so many of them here and in the cars from trying out new colours. We love them and we use them every day.

So, as you see we love our products, and we use them daily. 

I am based /located in Redlands Queensland Australia.

This is Shane and I saying hello to you all. 

 Krawler_grips team Anita and Shane